Top 20 NuGet of Packages

Adds some base implementations for using repositories and unit of work pattern with the Entity Framework
Xml-based module loader for MugenInjection. Supports Silverlight 4-5, WinRT, Windows Phone 7.1-8, NET 2-4.5.
Sample WinForms app that uses Barcode Reader SDK to recognize, read and decode most popular linear (1D) barcodes from digital images, bitmaps and scanned documents. It returns the string and binary values as well as the symbology type for each detected barcode. It can decode barcodes with 0, 90, 180...
Sample WinForms app that uses Barcode Reader SDK to recognize, read and decode most popular linear (1D) barcodes from digital images, bitmaps and scanned documents. It returns the string and binary values as well as the symbology type for each detected barcode. It can decode barcodes with 0, 90, 180...
.NET extensions and helpers for the Unity IoC container.
Contiene clases que definen el contrato para una implementacion de repository, unit of work, entity, etc. Debe ser referenciado en la capa de dominio bajo una arquitectura domain driven design.
A library for easy access to Riots League of Legends Developer Api. If you don't have your free developer key yet head over to to sign up for one! You will need to add an App.config or Web.config with the following app settings: <add key="ApiKey" value="[Your Key H...
NRepository.TestKit is a collection of helper classes for NRepsoitory.
Abandoned and no longer works. Lightweight C# wrapper for the League of Legends Api. No one expects the banana.
NRepository.MongoDb is a generic repository library with a strong focus on CQRS.
Repository Generator will generate an entire repository structure for you. All you need to supply a namespace which contains all your Entity Framework models and the will generate repositories for all your models, it will generate a generic repository providing you with basic ...
SimplePersistence.UoW.EF offers implementations to the SimplePersistence.UoW using the Entity Framework 6 as the ORM.
This packages should be referenced by the MVC application to add built-in support for Unit of Work and Repository Patterns in controllers
Beetle Entity Framework 6 handler.
Beetle.js Client with TypeScript definition files.
Wrapper for the inversion of control container Autofac - Add-in X
Provides CSV reading and writing, with support for QuantityTypes.
Simple resolver for simple needs. A (tiny) high speed dependency resolver built for Crosser Technologies realtime streaming framework