Top 20 NuGet nuget Packages

NuGet Command Line Tool with props file.
NuGet tasks bundle for Rosalia.
Cake extension that enables Cake scripts to obtain SimpleGitVersion information from current Git repository.
Makes it incredibly easy to generate NuGet packages from any .NET solution, including projects with .nuspec files!
The example project for testing deployment to nuget using travis-ci.
MSBuild task to restore Nuget content files to project folder
NuGet Protocol v2
Implements SVersion to handle strict SemVer 2.0 versions (the whole specification is implemented), a CSVersion class that handles all aspects of a CSemVer ( version. This also implements InformationalVersion to help generating and parsing CSemVer standardized InformationalVersionA...
sources custom init scripts and includes custom powershell modules in the package manager console
Implementation of NuGet package repository that stores package metadata in a Lucene index for very fast package lookup and search capabilities. Includes an optional file system watcher that will keep packages on disk in sync with the Lucene index. This package does not serve as a standalone package ...
This is a fork of SymbolSource.Server.Basic
Shared test infrastructure for the NuGet Platform
NuGet localization package for dotnet CLI.
Deployment classes for Dropcraft, a NuGet-based deployment and application composition framework for .NET and .NET Core.
A Photon plugin for interacting with NuGet using the core libraries.
The core libraries that power BaGet.
The libraries to host BaGet on Azure.
NuGet Package Management.