Top 20 NuGet nuget Packages

.NET core global tool to download nuget packages in to a directory without any project
Setting versions in NuGet packages via a pipeline
Gathers licenses of a project and/or solution as a JSON file.
This is a tool to help you upload your local nuget package to a nuget server
gridstack.js is a jQuery plugin for widget layout. This is drag-and-drop multi-column grid. It allows you to build draggable responsive bootstrap v3 friendly layouts. It also works great with knockout.js and touch devices. Inspired by gridster.js. Built with love.
A few simple extension methods for the Serilog .NET logging library. Support for multiple .NET Frameworks: * .NETFramework 4.5 * .NETStandard 2.0 Please visit the project page for full documentation: *
读写文件升级NuGet库,修复 NuGet 库引用
读写文件升级NuGet库,修复 NuGet 库引用
读写文件升级NuGet库,修复 NuGet 库引用
Package used for easier and automatic signing unsigned assemblies with strong name that are coming from NuGet
Package used for easier and automatic deployment of nuget packages to NuGet repository
$Nuget reference data$
$Nuget reference data$
Converting to bytes and from bytes
Write the tag to version.props file
Package Description
Example library to show great package authoring practices
Package Description