Top 20 NuGet nuget Packages

Paquete de prueba de nuget de la cibertec
Paquete de prueba de nuget de la Cibertec
Paquete de prueba de Nuget de Cibertec
Automatically checks that installed NuGet packages match certain versions.
This package is part of the NuGet connectivity tests. It does not contain any binaries or any functionality
NuGet.exe with patches for Mono.
Adds support for file based package references in msbuild based .net core projects
Adds support for file based package references in msbuild based .net core projects
Adds packages.config support for msbuild based .net core projects
cool nuget package
Adds support for txt based package references in msbuild based .net core projects
Sitecore Pathfinder toolchain.
Adds MSBuild targets to C# projects that rewrite "version" tag of the $(ProjectName).nuspec file found at the root of the project's directory, using the most recent version from the VSpec.json file also located at the root of the project.
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Shared DTOs and functionality between the client and server packages of RipplesMQ