Top 20 NuGet network Packages

C# Binding for the Apache MxNet library. NDArray, Symbolic and Gluon Supported MxNet is a deep learning framework designed for both efficiency and flexibility. It allows you to mix symbolic and imperative programming to maximize efficiency and productivity. At its core, MXNet contains a dynamic dep...
This package contains message structs for the MMORPG "MU Online", which are primarily focused on the english version of Season 6 Episode 3.
Provides support for NDI® in VL.
Libuv transport model.
TorchSharp makes PyTorch available for .NET users. libtorch-cuda-10.2 contains components of the PyTorch LibTorch library version 1.7.0 redistributed as a NuGet package with added support for TorchSharp.
Network Expansion of Core Library
Protobuf Proto3 codec.
A collection of sorting network algorithms implemented in C#.
This is a DotNet standard package built for the sole purpose of simplifying the process of network connection information retrieval, this is a cross platform library which can be extended to linux and osx. Feel free to contribute to other platforms. This library is also culture independent, it works...
Morgan's CLR Advanced Runtime es un conjunto de funciones, extensiones y módulos que he encontrado útiles a lo largo de mis años de experiencia con lenguajes .Net, particularmente con Visual Basic. Trata de añadir características que no se encuentran fácilmente disponibles en .Net Framework, y ademá...
TakeIo.NetworkAddress is a small library to handle IP/Mask operations (network mask tasks), like matching same network address between two IPs and a network mask. It also handles parsing of IP/Mask input strings like "" or "", and handle IP range addresses like "...
A simple (unbloated software guarantee!) yet powerfull library allowing the user to login via social networks such as Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft Live, Office 365, Azure AD, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Use GoXam for WPF to add diagrams to your application. It can show directed and undirected graphs, network diagrams, flowcharts, workflow diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, BPMN and BPEL applications, organization charts, circuit diagrams, tree diagrams (e.g. syntax trees, sitemaps), data flow...
Lightweight library to convert quickly between Windows time zone IDs and IANA Time Zone names.
NFX CORE Package NFX UNISTACK includes: Application Container + Dependency Injection facilities Configuration engine BigMemory: Local/Distributed piles/heaps, ability to store hundreds of millions of objects resident in memory for long times without killing GC BigMemory Cache - sto...
HTTP/2 protocol implementation for .NET standard
GladNet3's (Glader's Library for Advanced Development of Network Emulation Technologies) FreecratCore.Serializer implementation of the GladNet.Serializer.API.
Unified Social Profile API for Xamarin.Android by CloudRail provides an easy solution to login and get basic user information. This interface includes Facebook, GitHub, Google+, Heroku, Instagram, LinkedIn, Product Hunt, Slack, Twitter, Windows Live, Yahoo!. Get a free license key at: htt...
Based Librame.Extensions.Network.Abstractions on .NET Standard extension implementation.
Based Librame.Extensions.Core.Abstractions on DotNetty test extension package.