Top 20 NuGet network Packages
Network media component, for TCP/IP or UDP connections.
Basic redis backed implementations of the interfaces in RegenerativeDistributedCache.Interfaces for an external (network) cache, a fan out pub/sub message bus, and a distributed locking mechanism for use with RegenerativeDistributedCache.RegenerativeCacheManager.
使用 .Net 根据部分 Python 库的设计思想来封装一些常用功能
Use. Net to encapsulate some common functions according to the design idea of some Python libraries
GladNet (Glader's Library for Advanced Development of Network Emulation Technologies) server API library.
Basic and advanced Network functionality, such as Protocols for communication and request server.
WPF extension to display network activity
GladNet (Glader's Library for Advanced Development of Network Emulation Technologies) common API library that provides shared API for both client and server.
The reference port of x2 written in C# targeting universal .NET environments.
PureActive Network Ping Service
PureActive Network Arp Service
ComponentPro Common Network Lib for .NET comprise utility classes used by Ultimate FTP, SFTP, Mail, Terminal, SFTP Server, Email Validator, Bounce Inspector, and Netkit.
Zyan is a framework that simplifies development of distributed applications for desktop and mobile platforms. With Zyan you can publish any .NET class for remote access over the network. Zyan is highly customizable and provides you with tools to build modular and plugable distributed applications.
MindFusion.Diagramming for ASP.NET MVC adds to applications the ability to create and present flowchart and process diagrams, workflow and data flow charts, database entity-relationship diagrams, organizational and classification charts, hierarchy and relationship diagrams, networks, graphs, trees, ...
Package Description
Simple loading and processing of textures and other data for MonoGame, including the ability to load non-XNB content files easily
MUnique.OpenMU.Network contains all what's required to connect from and to a MU Online game, connect or chat server. It implements the MU Online network protocol.
It also contains several the encryption algorithms and keys which were used until a few years ago up to Season 6 Episode 3.
Transport model:the port of the Netty.Transport assembly to support .NET 4.5.1 and newer.
Application handlers:the port of the Netty.Handlers assembly to support .NET 4.5.1 and newer.
Http codec:the port of the Netty.Codecs.Http assembly to support .NET 4.5.1 and newer.