Top 20 NuGet network Packages
General purpose codecs:the port of the Netty.Codecs assembly to support .NET 4.5.1 and newer.
TorchSharp makes PyTorch available for .NET users. libtorch-cuda-10.2-win-x64 contains components of the PyTorch LibTorch library version 1.7.0 redistributed as a NuGet package with added support for TorchSharp.
Provide insight into the communication between the server hosting the website and the outside world and allows the users to observe communication and look for irrational or known malicious interaction.
The static class that exposes this functionality can be found at Walter.Net.LookWhosTalking.Who...
Package Description
[DEPRECATED] The Unified Client Interface API for use with the Diffusion family of products.
Libuv transport model in DotNetty
MindFusion.Diagramming adds to applications the ability to create and present flowchart and process diagrams, workflow and data flow charts, database entity-relationship diagrams, organizational and classification charts, hierarchy and relationship diagrams, networks, graphs, trees, and more.
The b...
Provide to the Pipe system, all needed element to communicate by network.
Basic functionality for creating a bridge card game that can compete in the World Computer-Bridge Championship (see
a tcp- / udp- client and server
JSPrintManager is a Javascript + Client App solution for Client-side Printing & Scanning scenarios designed to be used in any Website developed on top of any Web Platform like ASP.NET, PHP, Django, Ruby On Rails (RoR), Express.js and more!
By writing pure Javascript code, JSPrintManager allows you t...
A cross platform wrapper for NetworkManager on iOS and Android
a tcp- / udp- client and server
a tcp- / udp- client and server
Morgan's CLR Advanced Runtime es un conjunto de funciones, extensiones y módulos que he encontrado útiles a lo largo de mis años de experiencia con lenguajes .Net, particularmente con Visual Basic. Trata de añadir características que no se encuentran fácilmente disponibles en .Net Framework, y ademá...
A minimal reactive socket implementation.
Implementation of sqlite database for SuxrobGM.Sdk.ServerAnalytics
Server side analytics tool for ASP.NET Core projects
Use the Tor Metrics API to fetch Tor network statistics.