Top 20 NuGet net Packages

Web client for LocalizeServer with optional caching support
MemoryCache implementation for LocalizeServer
MongoDB implementation for the LocalizeServer to fetch resources from a mongo db
MongoDB management implementation for the LocalizeServer to add, modyify or remove resources
Package Description
AdsJumbo SDK for C++ / IL2CPP / DirectX Windows 10 apps and games. Monetize your Windows 10 app or game with banner and interstitial ads with top revenue and 100% fill rate. AdsJumbo advetising SDK supports UWP, Unity3D and HTML5 apps. Increase your revenue opportunities by putting ads in your Unive...
Plugin for MonkeyTyper that allows application to read data from DSV files (e.g., CSV, TSV, etc.)
A MVVM toolbox of a bindable object, and commands that using Reactive Extensions.
This C# SDK makes it easier to consume the Wayback Machine Rest API for creating snapshots of websites. You get easy methods for creating snapshots or checking if snapshots are available. Documentation - Wayback Mach...
Event Bus implemented by Kafka and CloudEvent for Microservice pattern. Support Opentelemetry
Provides extension methods for System.Net.Http.HttpClient and System.Net.Http.HttpContent that perform automatic serialization and deserialization using ProtoBuf. Commonly Used Types: System.Net.Http.ProtoBuf.HttpClientProtoBufExtensions System.Net.Http.ProtoBuf.HttpContentProtoBufExtensio...
Json.NET web client
Library for managing ISO 2709 files
Easiest and fastest Micro ORM, you've got the queries, you've got the objects, take the best of two worlds ! This is the SQL Server Compact database provider.
Apteligent (Formerly Crittercism) SDK for Windows. This SDK is currently open-sourced and community supported. Source code is here:
SQLite-Net Extensions is a very simple ORM that provides cascade operations, one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one, many-to-many, inverse and text-blobbed relationships on top of the sqlite-net library.
Strongly typed object mapper for Lucene.Net
Small .NET tool aiding in sql data modeling and simplified CRUD.
WbTstr.Net is a fork of FluentAutomation which provides a fluent syntax to write your tests.
This is a .NET log class. It is easy to use. You can create logs with different levels. It has json config file, you can setup your log location and log levels.