Top 20 NuGet net Packages

A simple library intended to clean up the start code for .NET Core MVC applications.
Disqus tag helper for Core
Lightbox tag helper for Core
Clicky tag helper for Core
Provides a proxy like HttpContent implementation that reports the upload progress.
SFML is a simple multimedia library. This includes the 64-bit .Net bindings to SFML and the 64-bit csfml bindings required to use it.
RequireJS.NET integrates RequireJS script loader with ASP.NET Framework Core MVC
Lappa ORM is a object relational mapper for .NET written in C#. Supported databases are PostgreSQL and SQLite.
A light-weight .Net Standard/Framework library for CosmosDb graph repositories
A .NET Core, Standard 2.0 generic Repository implementation in which you can leverage OData query syntax and combine OData queries with EF's IDbSets, i.e. combine IQueryable objects from OData and EF as data providers.
This NuGet package contains Oracle.DataAccess.dll (x86) needed to compile a project that uses Oracle's ODP.NET Library - for NET 2.0 and NET 4.0. Oracle will still need to be installed on the production or development machine in order to connect to Oracle.
CorePager is a simple and easy-use pager for .Net Razor view.You can use it in any .Net Website that written based .net framework4.6.2 or .net core.
TGUI is an easy to use cross-platform GUI library for SFML. This package contains .NET Standard 2.0 libraries for both TGUI.Net and SFML.Net, including the 64-bit windows dependencies.
SOLID framework for code happy