Top 20 NuGet mstest Packages
MSTest TestFramework Extensions such as BenchmarkTest or ExpectedExceptionWithMessage attributes or an embedded manifest resource helper class.
SlickTL is a library that can be used to help with creation of mstest test cases. It adds ini config parsing (from the fabulous Nini project), and it adds configuration of logging. Also included are slick specific pieces like annotations, and test steps for adding data to slick.
Adds 'message' parameter to Assertions. It is generated from source code. Nunit, Mstest, Xunit is supported.
Provides a set of classes for easily writing unit tests to check common business rules created in CSLA business objects.
A simple, low overhead unit test library for Mono. It's is based on the API's from NUnit and MSTest.
The Crawler-Lib Engine Test Helper simplifies the test of tasks.
It can be used to develop unit tests and integration tests for tasks.
Allows creating acceptance tests in developer friendly environment.
* Native support for refactoring, code analysis (like finding unused methods), test running and all features that Visual Studio / Intellisense / Resharper offer during code development,
* Easy to read scenario definitions...
DynamicSpecs MSTest integration
Fixtures and helpers for integration testing with xUnit, and NUnit and MS Test.
Easy-to-use test run reporter for MSTest
Extensions of Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestContext for Songhay VSTEST projects
MSTest TestContext configuration provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.
Adds similar namespaces, types, attributes, and assertions as Xunit for easily transitioning from Xunit to MSTest.
Provides a data source for a data method, with the data coming from a property, a field, a method (with parameters), a class, or simply inlined data. Simply apply the AdvancedDataTestMethod and MemberDataMethod/ClassData/InlineData attributes on the method.
Restier is a framework for building convention-based, secure, queryable APIs with ASP.NET. This package contains tools to
test Restier services in-memory without having to spin up a dedicated website or IIS.
Commonly used types:
A number of simple methods to test database objects and execute sql. Currently supports Microsoft SQL Server databases.
A .NET library for writing easy-to-read tests with MSTest.
Helper functions for opening test data files. Handles tests running under Live Unit Testing.