Top 20 NuGet mstest Packages

A .NET library for using MSTest (and Moq) on top of the ChannelAdam Test Framework.
Breakdance is a testing framework for managing the dangerous dance of shipping public APIs. This package contains helper classes for testing any WebAPI endpoint. These classes make it super easy to craft HTTP requests to your API at test time. Commonly used types: System.Net.Http.HttpCl...
Breakdance is a testing framework for managing the dangerous dance of shipping public APIs. This package helps generate public API reports for any .NET assembly, and compare them against a prior unit test run. That way, if something in the API surface changed, the unit test will fail. C...
C# SDK for the test platform protocol. This SDK can be used in IDE or Editors to use test platform for discovery and execution of tests.
Making App Development Easier with a collection of easy to use components for unit testing .NET code with extensions and helpers for MSTest.
Tasty Cli Runner - Delicious dotnet testing
FluentAssertion.MSTest enables you to fluently perform assertions leveraging Assert.That from MSTest. This is an alternative approach to invasive extension methods suggested using intellisense, but also this helps to have highlighted Assert. start for each assertion.
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FsUnit is a set of extensions that add special testing syntax to MsTest.
ReportUnit is a report generator for the test-runner family. It uses stock reports from NUnit, MSTest, xUnit, TestNG and Gallio and converts them HTML reports with dashboards.
Provides a MSTest base class for tests based on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection. Use common Startup.cs patterns like ConfigureServices(...) and Configure(...) to setup your tests. Includes TestContext properties in configuration and enables TestContext logging.
Detects Duplicate Code
Arcana Studio development toolkit for MSTest
Contains some supporting code for MSTest Unit Tests.