Top 20 NuGet mono Packages

Library to manage application settings from different sources.
BackEnd.Configuration integration with Autofac.
C# library for controlling PiFace Digital inputs and outputs from Mono running on a Raspberry Pi.
PCLMock is mocking framework in a PCL, making it usable on platforms such as iOS and Android.
(JetBrains repack to get single dll) Cecil is a library written by Jb Evain to generate and inspect programs and libraries in the ECMA CIL format. It has full support for generics, and support some debugging symbol format. In simple English, with Cecil, you can load existing managed assemblies, brow...
Cake Build addin to provide aliases for using the Mono API Tools (API info, XML diff, HTML diff and Markdown diff).
Linux Test
Unobtrusive games oriented Message Queue. MQLight was designed for use in games (specifically XNA / monogame), but is thread safe and has been used in business applications. NOTE: Please make sure to call the Update method at the top of your game's update loop. Business applications can simply cal...
Pure Data as an embeddable audio synthesis library.
Simple Userinterface for MonoGame. - TextBox - Label - Button - Window - CheckBox - ImageBox - ComboBox - ScrollBar - TabNavigation Including an InputManager for Touch/Keyboard/Mouse and GamePads. In Game1.cs Initialize: Components.Add(new UserInterfaceManager(this)); Compo...
移植Alipay Sdk 到 mono 平台下。
Mono support for ASP.NET Core
TinySine USB/Wireless Relay Module TOSR1x - Interfacing Library for .NET
Removes the .pdb file before the Fody task is invoked because Fody crashes with: MSBUILD : error : Fody: An unhandled exception occurred: MSBUILD : error : Exception: MSBUILD : error : Out of memory MSBUILD : error : StackTrace: MSBUILD : error : at (wrapper alloc) System.Object:AllocVector (...