Top 20 NuGet mono Packages

Serial port library for .Net / Mono, This version rewrites the System.IO.Ports, on which all Serial port library are based, to allow using of Linux virtual usb port. It basically avoids the "System.IO.Ports.SerialPortStream.SetSignal (SerialSignal signal, Boolean value)" error.
TheFinestArtist's Utils
Library for building serialized node trees from path lists.
Android Blurring View
Xwt Widget Library (DockPanel,PropertyGrid)
Package Description
Librería en .Net Standard 2.0 que permite generar cualquier tipo de Factura Electronica Xml y PDF (Ingreso, Egreso, Traslado, Nomina, Pago, etc.) llenando los datos correspondientes fácilmente podrás generar las facturas digitales en cuestión de minutos. Es ideal y compatible para integrarla en cu...
Conversion of CLI stack-based intermediate language to a register-based representation. Control flow graph generator for CLI methods.
Deveel ReadLine is a simple library to provide some of the functionalities of GNU Readline within .NET and Mono applications
Deveel CLI was started as the port to .NET/Mono of the Apache Commons-CLI, but evolved later into a more complete framework for helping developers to easily intercept command-line configuration switches from user input.
This package contains a library that allows you .net app to comunicate to a FTDI USB chip. It wraps the D2XX API into a nice OO .net library. The Library can also be used on Linux using Mono.
An data access component. It provides a library of classes and a tool, using it in .net project can make data accessing more easily.
Interfaces for cassandra-sharp
Tools for cassandra-sharp-interfaces
A fully managed HttpListener implementation extracted from Mono. It's not as complete as the .net implementation of System.Net.HttpListener, but it doesn't require Administrator rights to listen on all interfaces, making it perfect to serve http content for test servers.