Top 20 NuGet mono Packages

ArangoDB-NET is C# based driver for .NET/mono framework which implements ArangoDB REST API.
This small library uses cecil to inspect MSIL code found in .NET assemblies instead of `Assembly.Load` which ensures that you do not have to load it's dependencies beforehand. This is particularly useful if you just want to know what .NET target framework an assembly is targeting with...
Full DataConverter class from Mono.
A small two-file JSON de/serializer in C# that also works on MonoDroid/MonoTouch
A collection of tools for working with C# and other code
Grown out of frustration with `NuGet.Core.dll`, this package allows basic operations such as downloading a package from NuGet repository, and works on both Mono and .NET
Use C# as script. Simple helper for C# code runtime compilation and excution using Mono.CSharp.Evaluator (C# - Source file). Uses Mono.CSharp.dll version 3.12
TSON: Typeable Simple Object Notation. Fully compatible with JSON, but with relaxed syntax rules that make it much easier for humans to type, plus it supports commenting using #.
REST Query Language (RQL). A simple, extensible query languaged for REST API's.
Game content creation and compilation tools
PCL ToolBelt for Applications
UML and Statechart inspired state machine library with hierarchical and orthogonal states. See description on This package includes: - Portable assembly for .NET Framework 4, Silverlight 5, Windows 8, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone Silverlight 8 and hig...
GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. As a library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats. Terradue.GDAL.Native.Mono p...
Assemblied Required to build VSEM Provider in Linux using Mono
This package contains a set of helper classes for WPF, XAML, and Mono applications that use the MVVM pattern.
A callback-based program option parser for C#. See the documenation at and some examples in the code and under the OptionSet topic at
POSIX interface for Mono and .NET
A cross platform file system watcher for .Net and Mono.
A .NET version of LibJpeg library made by Bit Miracle, forked by b9chris, updated by Tobias Schulz