Top 20 NuGet mongo Packages
Libmongocrypt wrapper for the .NET driver.
Core Component of the Official MongoDB .NET Driver.
(Unofficial) Signed .NET driver for MongoDB. The containing assembly was generated by signing the officially published MongoDB.Driver.dll.
Official .NET driver for MongoDB.
MongoDbMigrations uses the official MongoDB C# Driver to migrate your documents in your mongo database via useful fluent API.
Supports up and down migrations with cancelation and progress handling. Also, this library is able to check a schema of collections in your database during the migration run....
MongoDB's Official Bson Library.
(Unofficial) Signed Core Component of the MongoDB .NET Driver. The containing assembly was generated by signing the officially published MongoDB.Driver.Core.dll.
GridFS Component of the Official MongoDB .NET Driver.
Mongo2Go is a managed wrapper around MongoDB binaries. It targets .NET Framework 4.7.2 and .NET Standard 2.1.
This Nuget package contains the executables of mongod, mongoimport and mongoexport v4.4.4 for Windows, Linux and macOS.
Mongo2Go has two use cases:
1. Providing multiple, temporary and is...
BsonSerializers for NodaTime types.
(Unofficial) Signed MongoDB's Bson Library. The containing assembly was generated by signing the officially published MongoDB.Bson.dll.
BSON serializers for AccountingTime types.
Mongo based identity framework for Asp.Net Core
Contains dlls for MongoDB Persistence Provider: DbPersistenceProvider which implements interface IPersistenceProvider,
DbSchemePersistenceProvider which implements interface ISchemePersistenceProvider,
DbXmlWorkflowGenerator which implements interface IWorkflowGenerator.
Steps for...
Package Description
RapidCore is a collection of dotnet libraries to help you accelerate backend and api development
Mongo repository.
Mongo extension for Magenic's automation quick start framework
Firebend Auto Crud extension pack for MongoDb CRUD operations