Top 20 NuGet monad Packages
"Either" Monad-like Implementation for dealing with operation results in C#
It's an implementation of "Maybe" and "Either" monads for C# with extra utils, extensions, and integrations.
Optional is a robust option/maybe type for C#.
Useful extensions for LanguageExt with AspNetCore
Small Wrapper library for .net DBProviders which gives more functional interface(Monad,Functor ...) to hide the DB State
and gives more type level guaranties
An option monad, similar to 'Option' in F#\Scala or 'Maybe' in Haskell.
Maybe monad in C#. Port of the Ruby andand gem.
Monads (Maybe, Either, State, Reader, Writer) and monad combinators (Sequence, Sequence_, ReplicateM, ReplicateM_, MapM, MapM_, FoldM, FoldM_, ZipWithM, ZipWithM_, ForM, FilterM, LiftM, LiftM2, LiftM3, LiftM4, LiftM5, Join, When, Unless, Forever, Void, Ap, Compose, Guard, MFilter, MSum) in C#
Functions and types for C# adopted from FP e.g. Option, Choice
Some usage samples to help you get the hang of the Maybe<> type and associated extension methods which are available in the CallMeMaybe library.
A library holding error handling operations based on the either monad
A library holding error handling operations based on the either monad
Provides a set of types that provide null safety and functional chaining, to enable a functional-like programming style in C#.
A resumption monad for .NET targeting data access with automatic batching and caching.
Extensions to ResultMonad package to integrate with the HttpResult package. For more information see
Extensions to MaybeMonad package to integrate with the ResultMonad package. For more information see
Simple application of HttpResult monad by using System.Net.Http.HttpClient. For more information see
Extensions to the HttpResultMonad package. For more information see
Http Result monad for C#. In its core this monad enhances a type by adding a success/failure status and an http state. This type is meant to be used by operations that do Http calls. For more information see
A .NET Standard library for boxing any value.