Top 20 NuGet monad Packages
Combinatorial Monads for Result, Task, Linq and IAsyncEnumerable. Inspired by Scott Wlaschin and railway oriented program design principles. Uses latest features of C# to adopt new paradigms based on functional monadic design. Retains minimalist design. Easy learning and migration curve.
Result type written in C# with the ability to chain computations and first class Task/async support. Represents the ability for a computation to fail in a way more appropriate than throwing Exceptions in a lot of cases.
C# Maybe monad
FSharpx is a library for the .NET platform implementing general functional constructs on top of the F# core library. Its main target is F# but it aims to be compatible with all .NET languages wherever possible.
This library is for the .NET platform implementing a WMI type provider.
Monads are logic in-between instructions and often called "programmable ; " a common monads (Maybe, Do, Return ....) that helps with null checks
A small library to navigate null-safely through objects.
Types and extensions for declarative data transformations.
Sprache is a simple, lightweight library for constructing parsers directly in C# code.
Either monad that stores one of many known types inside it.
See the project page for more: Json.Net and NHibernate bindings available.
Tiny library with generic Zip implementation for C# enumerables and some small tools that make complex POCOs generation easier.
This is a simple maybe monad realization
Maybe is a value type (struct) that is guaranteed to never be NULL and either contain an object of the specified type or nothing at all.
Maybe is a value type (struct) that is guaranteed to never be NULL and either contain an object of the specified type or nothing at all.
Maybe is a value type (struct) that is guaranteed to never be NULL and either contain an object of the specified type or nothing at all.
Functional validation for C#
This project is a proof of concept implementation of async computation workflows composition with non determenistic choice, merge and bind based on immutable state with lock detection. Uses ideas from Stm,Hopac,Joinads.
A gathering place for things that identify as monads but are C# in orientation
Type class instance collection.