Top 20 NuGet monad Packages
Useful Optional extensions for working with collections.
C# Monad Library
FSharp library which implements the functional IO monads, IO, stdio, Retry.
FSharp library which implements the functional control monads such State, Reader, Writer.
Function programming goodness: algebraic structures, Maybe, Either, Unit, State, Writer, Functor, Monad, Monoid, Lenses, and more.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Json converter for error-less serialization of Maybe type when using Newtonsoft.Json. Just add MaybeConverter to your list of Json converters.
Interoperability between Funcky and EF Core
Features implementations of some of the usual suspects from functional programming: option type (Maybe<T>), error types (Result<T, TError>, Outcome<T> and Fallible<T>) for Railway Oriented Programming, simple disjoint union (Either<T1, T2>), (finite and infinite) sequence generators and LINQ extensi...
A gathering place for things that identify as monads but are C# in orientation
Async extensions for Nils Lück's Optional library.
The Try monad (Error/Exceptional monad) for C# railroad programming
A robust option type for C#.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Result monad for C#. In its core this monad enhances a type by adding a success/failure status. For more information see
Common functionality which can be used in FSharp projects. The library exposes active patterns for comparison operations, numerals, strings. It has a Result monad and its builder for computation expressions.