Top 20 NuGet model Packages

The IGDB API endpoints models
Provides a simple CRUD functionality to your entity models. Example: var childUsers = new Users().SelectWhereOrderBy("Age <= 17"); How to implement: - Add EZCRUD reference to your model library. - Inherit Model_RecordBase for each model. - Set EZCRUD's connection string ("DBAccess.DBSettings.Conne...
Package Description
Basic package for domain modeling
3d model file parsing components extracted from STLVault
Integrate with Azure DevOps Server 2022 and Azure DevOps Services from desktop-based, ASP.NET, and other Windows applications. Provides access to the Code Review Service via public REST APIs.
Integrate with Azure DevOps Server 2019 and Azure DevOps Services from desktop-based, ASP.NET, and other Windows applications. Provides access to the Pipelines Service via public REST APIs.
Integrate with Azure DevOps Server 2022 and Azure DevOps Services from desktop-based, ASP.NET, and other Windows applications. Provides access to the pipeline approvals, checks and authorisation via public REST APIs.