Top 20 NuGet model Packages

DataModeler libraries
Model to end all Models
Application service model library
A way to validate models through the use of attributes.
A way to validate models through the use of attributes.
Simpe.Net Linq, models, view models stuff
This class library (.Net Standard 2.0) provide a C# bindable component that implements the following .NET Framework interfaces: System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged System.ComponentModel.IDataErrorInfo System.ComponentModel.INotifyDataErrorInfo System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations impleme...
Small Framework to check that models are validated properly.
Microsoft Azure Iot Digital Twin Model parser. It parses the Digital Twin Interfaces and CapabilityModel jsonLd documents
SDK for the Indico API
A simple attribute based model validation library.
Mobiroller Shared Models
Package Description
Overlay Image data model
This is the SDK Package containing pre-made models used to connect to the Ungerboeck 20.95 API
Provides assorted model annotations that FoxGuard uses in its internal-use line-of-business software.