Top 20 NuGet middleware Packages

This package is deprecated. Instead, it is recommended to use a WebMarkupMin.AspNetCore3 package.
The core module for a simple websocket server and client implementation with authentication.
The client module for a simple websocket server and client implementation with authentication.
The client and server modules combined for a simple websocket server and client implementation with authentication.
Entity Framework Core classes for EasyData library.
IBM® Message Service Client for .NET Standard (XMS .NET)
ASP.NET Core classes for EasyData library.
A simple basic authentication middleware.
Interface para logar uma requisição e uma resposta utilizando o Serilog com opções para armazenar no banco SQL e Elasticsearch. Ele implementa uma classe que é adicionada no middleware da aplicação. Opção para configurar filtro de exceção customizado
ASP.NET Core Live Reload Middleware that monitors for file changes in your project at development time and automatically reloads the browser's active page. It can monitor for client side static files, Razor Views and Pages and can also reload server changes when combined with `dotnet watch run`. Thi...
WebMarkupMin.AspNetCore1 contains one Middleware for ASP.NET Core 1.X - `WebMarkupMinMiddleware`.
This middleware uses Cognitive Services Sentiment Analysis to identify the sentiment of each inbound message and make it available for your bot or other middleware component.
Middleware injected into ASP.NET Core pipeline at startup.
A custom ASP.NET Core Middleware plugin for distributed cache using Couchbase server as the backing store. Supports both Memcached (in-memory) and Couchbase (persistent) buckets.
An ASP.NET Core Middleware which adds the OWASP recommended HTTP headers, with a single line of code, for enhanced security.
This middleware will allow your bot to authenticate with Azure AD. It was created to support integration with Microsoft Graph but it will work with any application that uses the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow.
an abstraction layer for HTTP request processing
an abstraction layer for HTTP request processing
combines the CefSharp chromium wrapper with the W3bstract framework to run a in-memory hosted web application within a .NET exe
an abstraction layer for HTTP request processing