Top 20 NuGet middleware Packages

Configuration library for devon4net webapi template
Provides an abstraction of "hosting middleware" that can be added to the application's web hosting pipeline as a means to asynchronously intercept startup and graceful shutdowns. Part of an alternative to `IStartupFilter` that is asynchronous.
Provides functionality to wire up "hosting middleware" that can be added to the application's web hosting pipeline as a means to asynchronously intercept startup and graceful shutdowns. An alternative to `IStartupFilter` that is asynchronous.
Provides functionality for mocking application hosting and hosting middleware components to ease in the testing of same.
Provides functionality to wire up a delayed-start to an application's web hosting pipeline. Useful for crudely avoiding race conditions with other parts of an application's surrounding infrastructure.
Helper functions for microservices
General contracts for microservices
This package implements a piece of ASP.NET Core middleware, rick rolling anyone requesting invalid URLs.
Exception handling middleware using standardized responses
.NET Chart Middleware
ASP.NET Chart Middleware for Enterprise Chat Bridge
Package Description
Some much longer description goes here...
Package Description