Top 20 NuGet microservices Packages

Redis components for Pip.Services in .NET
Prometheus components for Pip.Services in .NET
ElasticSearch logger for Pip.Services in .NET
RabbitMQ components for Pip.Services in .NET
Core (and Seedwork) tools for Microservices designed software architecture
Redis components for Pip.Services in .NET
RabbitMQ components for Pip.Services in .NET
Prometheus components for Pip.Services in .NET
Memcached components for Pip.Services in .NET
ElasticSearch logger for Pip.Services in .NET
Library for hosted services build as Windows services and Linux daemon
An internal deployment package that allows for Algorithmia algorithm .net support
.NET implementation of the UnitOfWork pattern using IDbTransaction and Sagas for orchestrating cross-domain transactions.
The collection of Polly Policies for System.Data.SqlClient.
Microservice framework with powerful service discovery using Consul
ServiceStack plugin that extends ServiceStack.Discovery.Redis services
ServiceStack plugin that uses introspection to generate documentation about services in AppHost
Data processing and persistence components for Pip.Services in .NET