Top 20 NuGet microservices Packages
Puresharp is a Framework that provides the essential APIs to productively build high quality (.NET 4.5.2+ & .NET Core 2.1+) applications through reliability, scalability and performance without
no compromise.
ASP.NET Core (ASP.NET 5) framework support for RestBus
IPuresharp urbanize libraries with strategic private code to lay transparent foundations for Puresharp API .NET
DomainWorkflows event-driven abstractions
This is a stripped down version of main BizBook.Common.Library library. This library only supports the index attribute of Entity Framework Core.
A library that turns Discord.NET messages into objects that can be serialized/deserialized to/from JSON.
Makes your distributed system easier
RabbitMQ remoting transport for Asynco
The built-in, Sql Store in the CQRS.NET cannot process non-primitive properties on the entity classes in read stores and data stores.
If your entity classes require more comp[lexity than just basic, flat primitive property structures, this package will allow you to
use Microsoft SqlServer as a...
Package Description
An implementation of Microdot's logging and tracing using NLog.
Projeto em andamento. Biblioteca com classes base de infra para arquitetura de microserviços utilizando DDD
XComponent Functions. Take advantage of XComponent in any technologies (Node, Java, C++, ...)
Serverless service discovery and communication. Maintains a list of services in a common collection which is used for services to connect to each other.
Silverback is a simple but feature-rich framework to build reactive/event-driven applications or microservices.
This package contains the logic to read the broker endpoints configuration from the IConfiguration (see Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration).
Easy usage implementation of distributed locks using azure storage account.
Referenced by microservice public-facing interfaces. Provides common
facilities that are needed to define a service's contract. Part of the
Microdot framework.
Silverback is a simple but feature-rich framework to build reactive/event-driven applications or microservices. This package contains an implementation of Silverback.Integration for the popular Apache Kafka message broker.
ServiceStack plugin that supports service discovery and request uri resolution using Redis
MongoDB components for Pip.Services in .NET