Top 20 NuGet menu Packages

RadialMenu inspired from OneNote Windows 8 modern app. It allows you to show a nice circular contextual menu. Windows 8
Add XML file to manage menus into English and French
Wpf app-like side menu
To obtain the functionality of Console based options' selection. This also support the nested option selection as well.
Xamarin.iOS binding for SWRevealViewController
Easy start for your background worker and console apps. See for examples.
Menu server model. Server model with respect to the Roles/Users
Menu server model.
Menu Abstractions for server model.
Data access layer to the menu based on Roles or Users.
Data access layer to menu
Interfaces for data access layer to menu
Service to allow the access to the menu functionality
Library for building console menu. Allows to execute selected command with provided arguments.
A tiny .Net console menu builder
Flexible, small and simple mini console framework
Package Description
Gives you a more powerful and useful context menu for your UWP Windows 10 app.
A very simple console menu. The menu options and related functions are all passed to the menu function on a list
This project aims to reimplement the classic menu bar component as a UWP library. Currently the library has the following features: ## Menu Bar The main component is the Menu Bar, which defines a container which can hold Menu Bar buttons, and an optional area which can be used a...