Top 20 NuGet math Packages

Nequeo math analysis
Set of Bessel's functions for Rychusoft.NumericalLibraries suite
Math utilities for use with DangrLib.
A Money class that supports ISO 4217 currency codes. Uses Banker's rounding and rounds to the precision of currency.
A math library.
Dynamic Creation of Expression from String, calculation symbolically derivative, partial differentiation, simplifying math expressions
A mathematical function parser at runtime
The Boerman Math library containing some curve fitting things right now.
A set of classes which allow handy and fast casted (to `float` and `int`) versions of all `System.Math` methods with some additional functionalities.
Basic 3D vector implementation, provides a simple Vector class and a set of utility methods.
C# Wrapper that helps calculate mathematical expressions that include a variable(x).
This package is just for training. It will be removed later. It defines single class with 3 functions (add, multiply and divide).
MathML to C# expression Converter
Performs all the Mathematical Operations
My package description.
Package Description
Neo Systems .NET libraries
A special functions math library based on the Boost Math Toolkit
this library enables you to do math better than anyone else.