Top 20 NuGet math Packages

Extreme Optimization Numerical Libraries for .NET Single-Precision P/Invoke MKL Provider for Linux.
Extreme Optimization Numerical Libraries for .NET P/Invoke MKL Provider for Linux.
わたしが欲しいと思った適当な機能たち for C#
This is simple .NET Core library for parsing and working with fractinal expressions.
General-purpose library for full-stack use. Provides support for Caching, Collections, Comparers, Converion, Environment, Events, Exceptions, IO, FileSystem, Lambdas, Logging, Math, Memory, Scopes, Text, Threading, Scheduling and many other aspects.
An assortment of random mathematical algorithm implementations and extension methods
Ratchet Math Integral Image is a tiny library that implement an Integral image (or Summed area table)
Linear algebra types with type-level numeric dimensions
LinksPlatform's Platform.Numbers Class Library
This is a convenient collection of tools developed to compose data sets and retrieve basic statistical properties.
Numerical extensions and types for a more pleasant math experience.
this fo a basic math operations
F# language-integrated proof assistant.
Library for graph drawing with GraphViz
Nymph is a natural language theorem prover that uses natural language to state and write proofs of logical and mathematical theorems.
Silk.NET is a high-speed, advanced library, providing bindings to popular low-level APIs such as OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, and DirectX.
High-performance and high-accuracy automatic function-differentiation library suitable for optimization and numeric computing.
WPF integration for Nexus.
A computational geometry and math library for the CLR with potential medical, gaming, and GIS uses.