Top 20 NuGet math Packages

Math.NET Filtering, providing methods and algorithms for signal processing and filtering in science, engineering and every day use. Supports .Net Framework 4.0 or higher and .Net Standard 1.3 or higher, on Windows, Linux and Mac. This package contains strong-named assemblies for legacy use cases (no...
A methods to create series of numbers and operate vectors
A methods to create series of numbers and operate vectors
Simple set of arithmetic extensions. Part of the "Open" set of libraries.
A C# extension library to let arrays act like vectors and matrices.
MathAnalytics is a collection of extensions methods to make easy a lot of statistical calculations.
A lightweight string to function parser.
Test NuGet
Package Description
Parse string to expression tree and evaluation its value
Provides vectors, matrix and other game math related methods and components
ExtraLinq is a set of extension methods for IEnumerable<T>. Additionally ExtraLinq contains extension methods for Array and List<T> which are faster and allocate less than LINQ extensions from System.Linq.
stastistics, fractional number parsing, matrixbuilder singleton, random singleton, noisy equation generator, rounding helper, data normaliser, gaussian math (add,substract, multiply), histogram
Calcex is a basic parser and evaluator for mathematical expressions built on .NET Core.
Simple but handful math functions
.NET native wrapper for the Operations Research Tools project