Top 20 NuGet linq Packages

提供一组 .NET Standard 2.0 的 API,使用语言集成查询分析痒痒熊导出器导出的数据。示例项目见存储库。
Provides auto generated predicate ExpressionStarter<TEntity> through a filtering model, using LinqKit.Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
With this little helper you can project in your LINQ Select() using expressions not written inside the LINQ query. This opens the door for expression reuse. This is a fork of the EFLinqExpressionProjecton project with added support for EF Core.
基于Dapper的Lambda扩展支持按时间分库分表,也可以自定义分库分表方法,且实体类有T4模版自动生成.省去手写实体类的麻烦 MySql扩展
基于Dapper的Lambda扩展支持按时间分库分表,也可以自定义分库分表方法,且实体类有T4模版自动生成.省去手写实体类的麻烦 SqlServer扩展
DSL abstraction for Working with SQL (Select, Update, Insert, Delete, Executing Stored procedures, using Transactions)
1. if empty string convert to int or decimal,ignore the error and set int or decimal to defaut value; This project is clone from git://,which Map POCOs to Excel files. And I have add the excel headers properties to the ExcelMapper because I need it in my project.
Extensions for Linq for Entity Framework Core
Core.Maybe.Json — JsonConverter for the Maybe type
Simple querystring filtering based on OData
Provides a fully-featured Option type, aka a Maybe type, with several companion helpers (parsing, LINQ). An Option type allows to represent objects that are either something (a value or a reference) or nothing. Nullable Reference Types (NRT) do not count since they are not actual .NET types but ann...
Reactive extensions for Azure Service Bus .NET client
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection bridge for validation rules.
Collection of useful LINQ query operators
LINQToSQL with Table generation abstraction layer to work on all databases. Proxy for MYSQL
LINQToSQL with Table generation abstraction layer to work on all databases. Proxy for MSSQL
A .Net library for composing reactive collections providing monadic types to support LINQ.
a light entityframework likesome for mysql data
Tree Traverse for Linq