Top 20 NuGet linq Packages

Converts a LINQ expression to FetchXml query so that it can be consumed for querying data from Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE
A .NET Standard library of choice (general discriminated union) types.
This simple rule engine is a .NET Standard library 2.0, which uses Microsoft's DLR DynamicExpressionParser in the background. The goal was to make a simple engine which is easy to use and compatible with many projects.
(This package has been deprecated. Use AutoMapper.AspNetCore.OData.EFCore or AutoMapper.AspNetCore.OData.EF6.) Creates LINQ expressions from ODataQueryOptions.
(This package has been deprecated. Use AutoMapper.AspNet.OData.EF6.) Creates LINQ expressions from ODataQueryOptions.
Aliases of System.Linq extension methods.
Self-containing DataTable classes for the jQuery plugin that manage rendering, querying, filtering, sorting and other desireable tasks for the user.
Additional template mappers for the DataTables.NetStandard package.
.NET and Mono framework with support for Postgres and Oracle
Exposes facades for common Logging, Configuration, and DI components to extract dependencies as well as utility methods for logging inside of Linq expressions.
Enhanced features for the self-containing DataTable classes for the jQuery plugin that manage rendering, querying, filtering, sorting and other desireable tasks for the user.
A set of tools for working with standard SQL queries and returning a collection of C# objects instead of an SQLDataReader or DataTable.
A .NET Standard library that adds option semantics to a tuple of Boolean and T.
ImportedLinq provides utility collection methods that are imported from other programming languages.
This XObjectsCore library provides an API for generated code and projects that use said generated code. Use this library in shipping apps + libraries; use LinqToXsdCore to generate code. Original Authors: Microsoft Corporation.
write an object enumerable to csv and read back allowing to use linq
Methods for calculating the minimum and maximum of an IEnumerable<T> in one pass.
Methods for shuffling IList and IEnumerable