Top 20 NuGet ios Packages

Plugin designed for connections with MFP servers (IBM Mobile Platform First). With it you can make calls Procedures, send logs and connect / disconnect to the Push Notifications service
Provides a sample implementation of a ContentPage that shows Instagram images of a specific user using the Instagram API.
Provides a sample implementation of a ContentPage that shows Flickr images of a specific user using the Flickr API.
Provides a sample implementation of a ContentPage that shows Youtube videos of a specific user or playlist using the Youtube API.
Provides a sample implementation of a ContentPage that shows Foursquare places using the Foursquare API.
Map extension for Xamarin.Forms. Allows to create Map pin and window without native renderers.
Plugin for simple creating and sending emails
This extension adds local data management features to the AptkAma main plugin. Tuto available on Sources, documentation and samples on Twitter @Apptracktive
Provides a sample implementation of a ContentPage that shows Eventbrite events from eventbrite API. !!! This doesn't work yet with Xamarin.Android!!!
KeyChain plugin for Xamarin and Windows
Custom control for your Xamarin.Forms project ot turn your images into elegant circle cached images. Customizable border thickness and color. Ensure you call CachedImageCircleRenderer.Init() on each platform! Built against:
CrossPlatformLibrary.Callouts is a cross-platform abstraction for message boxes, toasts, callouts.
An MvvmLight helper for calling RaisePropertyChanged on the UI thread from a PCL. See Project Site for instructions.
Provides a sample implementation of a ContentPage that shows how to login and show Facebook user profile from Facebook API. Watch a video demo:
A very simple MonoGame library that sits and listens for coin drops (keyboard press, etc.) and tracks number of credits.
Library for parsing BulletML xml files. Used for scripting bullet patterns in shmup games.
Provides a sample implementation of a ContentPage that shows how to login and show Google user profile from Google API.
MonoGame component to display the frame rate.
A SQLitePCL.raw 'provider' bridges the gap between SQLitePCLRaw.core and a particular instance of the native SQLite library. Install this package in your app project and call SQLitePCL.raw.SetProvider(new SQLitePCL.SQLite3Provider_winsqlite3()); Depending on the platform, you may also need to add ...