Top 20 NuGet io Packages
Makes strongly-typed user input collection and validation through the Console easier, and adds more useful utility methods to it.
A near-C++ performance implementation of the Snappy compression algorithm for .NET. Snappier is ported to C# directly
from the official C++ implementation, with the addition of support for the framed stream format.
By avoiding P/Invoke, Snappier is fully cross-platform and works on both...
A fluent wrapper around System.IO
I/O Library for Apache REEF
An Amazon S3 provider for Cabinet. Allows files to be stored on Amazon S3 using the AWS SDK.
A File System provider for Cabinet. Allows files to be stored on disk using System.IO.
A fast and reliable, (non blocking!), .NET File/Directory watcher, complete rewrite of FileSystemWatcher to ensure speed/acuracy/reliability/suppress duplicate events
Supported platforms:
- .NET Framework 4.5.2+
- .NET Framework 4.6.2+
- .NET Standard 2.0+
- .NET Core 3.0+
Copies an arbitrary stream to another stream or an output file (buffered).
Official .NET API code package for communication with Brainboxes Ethernet-attached data acquisition and control devices, and is provided by Brainboxes Limited.
uScoober.TestFramework: Graphic Display Interface
Html to Pdf implementation of RevStackCore.IO
Provides interfaces for types in System.IO.Pipes: NamedPipeServerStream, NamedPipeClientStream, PipeStream.
Dotnet core IO utility
A cross platform EngineIo client library for .NET NetStandard core.
File based resource manager for PI.Cms
PI.Cms is a simple but powerful Content Management System for .Net
Basic .NET utilities.