Top 20 NuGet io Packages
uScoober: Core interfaces for NETMF
A .Net library to abstract file access to disc images. Supports Iso, Udf.
Shared types (models and utilities) for IO
Scream.IO is a set of extensions for System.IO.Stream. It facilitates ease of use and aims to lower memory usage for applications.
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Main library of ĐTools project contains various platform-independent non-GUI classes missed from .NET framework.
Unified Storage provides a unified file IO API for various platforms. It is based on the excellent PCLStorage library. UnifiedStorage tries to make testing your applications easier by providing interfaces for all classes and not using static factories.
Library for easily creating file importers/loaders with automatic progress reporting.
FenrirFS provides a portable file system API for .Net platforms, making it easier to create and maintain multi-platform .NET libraries and programs.
Provides interface abstractions for System.IO filesystem entities. Also provides a default implementation of IFileSystem that provides the default behavior of the System.IO implementations.
Contains common functionality used by other Quantum Concepts assemblies.
Contains common functionality used by other Quantum Concepts assemblies.
Contains common functionality used by other Quantum Concepts assemblies.
Contains common functionality used by other Quantum Concepts assemblies.
Contains common functionality used by other Quantum Concepts assemblies.
Android binding package for Fabric.IO's Crashlytics. For more information, follow this description:
Package Description
The IOHelper library contains a set of extension methods designed to wrap the ACL calls to determine if the current user can read/write/delete a file or folder
Nequeo IO audio component