Top 20 NuGet httpclient Packages

This class library provides a way to call the Digitalstrom Server (DSS) RESTful JSON interface. It encapsulates all authentication, retry and parsing logic and provides a strongly typed method interface.
Transient fault handling for HttpClient based on Microsoft's implementation.
HTTP REST Client DependencyInjection for HttpClient
Package Description
Package Description
Library allows to perform post operation under specific address
An agile http client . .
Simple .NetStandard Rest Api Client for making simple and quick http requests
A simple library to make testing HttpClient and related classes easier.
Simple library that extends HttpClient to make connecting to an API easier.
.NET HTTP Client Service library. Use this library to quickly bootstrap your .NET HttpClient Service calls. It uses the System.Net.Http library. You pass in your routes and objects for the calls - Get, Post, Put, Patch, Delete. It returns an HttpResponseMessage/String Response depending on the metho...
An extension to AutoFixture to easily work with MockHttp.
Provides LoggingHandler as an implemetation of HttpMessageHandler that logs requests and responses into an ILogger instance.
NFluent checks for checking HttpResponseMessages.
Package Description
Http Consumer is simple fluent way to call web api. Customize Serialize/deserialize as per content-type.
A .NET Standard 2.0 library containing data transfer objects pertaining to Nightingale REST client and other Nightingale services.
A clean and isolated version with the best praticles from HttpClientFactory + Polly (Retry policy)
A .NET Standard-based client SDK for Nightingale Cloud.