Top 20 NuGet httpclient Packages

A downloader API for .net standard. It has partition downloading with stop/start features.
Simple cache for http requests. This package contains IApiCacheService implementation based on Realm.
Simple cache for http requests. This package contains IConnectivity implementation.
Please start using Devon4Net.Infrastructure.CircuitBreaker for http/https client factory
By default with AllowAutoRedirect enabled, the HttpClient will strip off the Authorization header when following a redirect. This is for security reasons. This package allows the redirects to be followed as long as the host name in the RedirctUrl matches the host name of the original req...
This is awesome library for api request
A set of DelegatingHandlers for various HttpClient non-interactive authentication scenarii using Open ID Connect.
Extensions for HttpClientLab, usually installed through HttpClientLab.
Core functionalities of HttpClientLab, usually installed through HttpClientLab.
Utility to help with OAuth2 Authentication for HttpClient.
Yibi.NetSharper使用.net standard2.0创建,旨在利用HttpClient以及System.Net.Http相关实现进行rest api、站点资源(类似爬虫)等请求访问。 Yibi.NetSharper实现代码参考与借鉴了RestSharp代码的实现。 Yibi. NetSharper was created using. net standard 2.0 to make use of HttpClient and system. Net. Http-related implementations for rest api, site reso...
Simple and flexible REST client built on top of Microsoft's System.Net.HttpClient.
Tools and extensions for working with HTTP.
Tools and extensions for formatting URLs.
An authentication handler for HttpClient.
Providers additional requesters and IO helpers for AngleSharp for .NET Framework 4.6.1.
Http Rest helper
This class library provides a way to call the Netatmo Cloud RESTful JSON interface. It encapsulates all authentication, retry and parsing logic and provides a strongly typed method interface.