Top 20 NuGet hosting Packages

Technical test library for the sensenet platform containing hosting-related classes.
Extends Microsoft's BackgroundService to create fail-slow service which tries to handle failures internally, perform limited number of restarts, waits for recovery etc.
**This package is a fork from the original to enable netstandard2.0 compatibility** Enables hosting Nancy in any application.
Collection of AspNetCore extensions and reusable functionality.
Swagger AspNetCore Extensions.
DotNet Core Libraries for Docker Kubernetes development including Machine Learning ML.NET.
Hosting tools for Web applications
Before installing on Win2008 run Powershell.exe and then "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned"! The only real alternative to IIS, UWS is a redistributable web server for Windows that can packaged with your ASP.NET web application and installed on your customers' systems along with your web app or site...
A hosting library for stateless ASP.NET Core-based Service Fabric services.
Some extensions to ease development of gRPC services in .NET
A helper library for Generic Host that executes a command delegate and automatically stops on exit.
A helper library for Generic Host that executes the specified delegate and automatically shut down on exit.
Package description here:
The PoshConsole Control for hosting PowerShell in WPF
Hosting abstractions for operating a multi-cloud multi-platform service
Generic windows services hoster