Top 20 NuGet hosting Packages

PureActive Hosting Abstractions
PureActive Hosting
This library allows you to host the Razor template engine found in ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET WebPages in your own applications. Use it in desktop applications, or non-System.Web based applications that need template rendering independent of ASP.NET MVC. Support for base Razor rendering engine and a ca...
The collection of AspNetCore functionality for logging with Azure Appinsight and Azure Log Analyzer.
The collection of AspNetCore Middlewares for Production and Development purposes.
The Base Testing Framework for Unit, Functional and Integration Tests.
This packages adds integration into Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting for Microsoft.Azure.DurableTask.
Collection of AspNetCore extensions and reusable functionality.
Serves static web applications such as a compiled Hugo app.
Support for IIS / hosting of OpenRasta.
This package provides an extensions to HostBuilder class that simplifies development of Service Fabric Reliable Services.
IHostBuilder extensions `host.RunAsServiceAsync` for .NET Core 2.0+ apps
A cross-platform library for Parsaspace hosting service; written in C#
The AspNetCore hosting integration library for the singularity ioc container
AspNetCore.Hosting library enables functionality used with AspNetCore such as CorrelationId.
在.Net Core平台上支持Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting开发Wpf程序。可参考ZDevTools.ServiceConsole项目开发自己的.Net Core Wpf程序。
DomainWorkflows hosting extensions