Top 20 NuGet hosting Packages
Extensions for adding Managed Extensibility Frawework (MEF) support to ASP.NET Core hosted applications.
Extensions simplifying access to configuration and host details in ASP.NET Core applications.
Wyam is a simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator. This library contains a server for use with static sites.
PureActive Hosting Support for Hangfire
DEPRECATED - A .NET library providing helpers for self hosting the Nancy web framework.
.NET Core helpers for ASP.NET hosting
The collection of the HealthChecks functionality for AspNetCore.
The collection of the functionality for AspNetCore WebHost.
Package Description
A simple helper to perform async application initialization for the generic host in .NET 6.0 or higher.
Let's Encrypt Automatically SSL Provisioning for AspNetCore website hosted with Kestrel.
Generates and updates outdated SSL Certificates.
This package contains hosting extensions used by other CodeGator packages.
Platforms supported:
.NET 6.x or above
The ML.NET HealthCheck for Kubernetes Clusters.
The Azure Storage HealthCheck for Kubernetes Clusters.
The collection of the HealthChecks functionality for Worker Pods.
Bet.Extensions.Hosting.Resilience library enables functionality used with GenericHost such as CorrelationId.
Base classes for hosted Remora-based services.
Base classes for hosted Remora-based Discord bots.
Provides the integration of Kephas Framework with Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.
Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services:
- BackgroundWorker, WorkerAppBase.
Kephas Framework ("stone" in aramaic) aims to deliver a solid infrastructure for applications ...