Top 20 NuGet guard Packages

Useful guard clauses that simplify argument validity checking and make your code more readable.
Provides helpers on which depend the other Narvalo packages.
Lightweight guard / pre-condition / parameter validation library for .NET
Helper functions to aid in argument validation for C# functions. Example Usage: Throw.IfNull(argument, nameof(argument)); Throw.IfNullOrEmpty(argument, nameof(argument));
Guard and Validator library. Example: Guard.That(arg1).IsNotNull().GreaterThan(100); Throws an exception if conditions are not met. Supports the ability to get a list of the failed conditions.
An easy-to-use management system for the ASP.NET Membership system built for ASP.NET MVC 4 applications. This application comes complete with an Area, Controllers, Views and everything you need to start managing your ASP.NET MVC 4 application immediately.
Guard is a simple class which helps you validate arguments.
Provides extension methods for the Guardian source code package.
Small .NET library providing guard clauses.
This is a library of extensions for Code Guard. NuGet Site: [] NuGet Command: [Install-Package Seterlund.CodeGuard]. These extensions are intended to give the guards custom messages.
A no frills library for validating arguments.
Guardian. Mostly of null values. An unobtrusive, lightweight, guard clause source code package: less than 300 lines of code. Should be used like this: Guard.Against.Null(() => parameter); May be extended like this: Guard.Against.Empty(() => collection); Possibly the best t...
Json.Net serialization extension for Belt
Simple Guard for .NET
A lightweight, low overhead, low ceremony, cross platform library for guarding against bad method inputs.
A collection of static classes for debugging and diagnostics of program contracts such as preconditions, postconditions, and invariants.
Simple property value checker