Top 20 NuGet functional Packages
F# computation expressions for configuring the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.IWebHostBuilder and defining routes for HTTP resources using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.
A lightweight wrapper type for optional values.
The faster monadic parser combinator library for C#
Implementation of validation of a ResultType.
Function programming goodness: algebraic structures, Maybe, Either, Unit, State, Writer, Functor, Monad, Monoid, Lenses, and more.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
A functional-first toolkit for building brilliant ASP.NET Core applications using F#.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
RZ.Foundation extension for Newtonsoft.JSON
Codoxide.Outcome<T> is an Either monad (or Result monad) for .NET Core.It allows for elegant happy path and error path handling through method chaining made available through a number of Extension libraries.
Color your console app output functionally in a Fable.React-style way.
Functional input validation for F#.
F# runtime library for Protocol Buffers
Funcky.Money is based on Kent Beck's TDD exercise but with more features.
Interoperability between Funcky and EF Core
An implementation of the Tcl scripting language. This package is built with options that make it more suitable for use with Mono. Features specific to Windows and/or the .NET Framework will be unavailable.
A fast and simple Sikuli wrapper for .Net
The core building blocks of the Freya web stack