Top 20 NuGet functional Packages

.NET Core compatible version of the fsharp compiler fsc.exe. Supported Platforms: - .NET Core (netstandard1.6)
.NET Core compatible version of the F# compiler fsc.exe.
Astral contracts
Common Service Locator integration for AppTonic
AppTonic is a lightweight .NET framework for building loosely coupled application services. Using a simple message-based mediator called the AppDispatcher, AppTonic seperates your application logic from your web framework, UI, or messaging system. The resulting application logic is organized by use ...
Common Service Locator integration for AppFunc
AppFunc is a lightweight .NET framework for building loosely coupled application services. Using a simple message-based mediator called the AppDispatcher, AppFunc seperates your application logic from your web framework, UI, or messaging system. The resulting application logic is organized by use ca...
Frozen portable profiles
Functional and collection extensions, basic algebraic data types influenced by FP
Provides additional types and methods allowing patternamtching to return discriminatedunions. You can now return different types with patternamtching;and return a discriminated union of these types.
C# functional programming library
Yet another library for functional programming
Library that supports functional programming patterns in C#.
Practical functional C# port from ramda.js
Package Description
Helpers for error handling and retrying in .NET
This library offers an elegant and efficient way of handling errors known as railway programming.
CSharpFunctionalExtensions - functional extensions for C#. fork of
Functional code tool kit for C#
Template for scaffolding Elmish component.