Top 20 NuGet functional Packages

Extensions to the HttpResultMonad package. For more information see
Http Result monad for C#. In its core this monad enhances a type by adding a success/failure status and an http state. This type is meant to be used by operations that do Http calls. For more information see
Fast and space efficient immutable collections, hash maps, and utilities for performant programming in C#. Split from the DryIoc:
The core library of the Rosetta project
Adds functional programming aspects using functions like Some, None, Ok, Error
Package Description
Unity integration for AppFunc
StructureMap integration for AppFunc
SimpleInjector integration for AppFunc
Autofac integration for AppFunc
Extends Rlx to support common ASP.NET MVC Core functions
dotnet fsi global command for FSharp 4.1
General test automation utilities primarily for use within the Team Controlium suite and associated frameworks
Provides interoperability between optional types and JSON serialization.
Memoize functions with ease
Implementation of option type holding a value or representing a none.
A library that implements piping of subsequent methods, including the possibility of if-branching and combining pipes together.
Validate implementation of PipeBase. Overrides the default Option implementation (see: for default piping.
A .NET Standard library of choice (general discriminated union) types.