Top 20 NuGet functional Packages
An idiomatic F# JSON parser and serializer
Bunch of serializers of F# types to MongoDB
.NET Core compatible version of the fsharp core library FSharp.Core.dll
Supported Platforms: - .NET Core (netstandard1.6)
A small and simple library which provides a simple implementation of a request-response pattern surrounded by helper classes for dealing with responses, functional messages and technical exceptions
This is a functional library for C#.
A micro library for coding in a functional style using c#. Features Option<T>, Either<T,U>, pattern matching with exatractors, partially applied functions, scalaz inspired Validation<T,U> and various collection methods like fold and reduce.
This library supports functional programming using F# on ASP.NET.
A single C# file that can be embedded to provide alternate ways to invoke TryParse methods from .NET Framework for use in expressions and functional code like LINQ queries.
Fork of Oliver Sturm's original FCSLib
Pipeline Style programming brings a more functional programming style of coding to C#. Inspired by F# pipelining and C# LINQ method syntax, this tiny set of extension functions, add more functional programming features to C#.
Functional testing for ASP.NET MVC web apps
contains extions mehtods to create a functional switch, wich is described under
Functional programming syntax support for C#, for things which either don't exist in C#, or a pain.
1) use 'var' to declar lambdas: var f = Fun.function(()=>10);
2) function composition;
3) partial function application (currying).
MIT license.
Functional library for .NET
Binaries for the PatternMatcher library.
Visit for an overview and usage examples.
Find roots of an arbitrary function using bisection, newton, and secant method.
An F# module for interpolation sets of data into functions that are fairly accurate over a certain range. Uses the Hermite interpolation method.
Functional reactive programming lib for JavaScript. Turns your event spaghetti into clean and declarative feng shui bacon, by switching from imperative to functional.
LINQ query operators inspired by Scala
A functional framework for .NET