Top 20 NuGet f# Packages

Fluent members for Seq, List, Array and all F# 3.1 FSharp.Core functions
A library for functions used in solving Project Euler problems, along with some basic statistical functions, coded in F# The Project Euler functions cover primes, factorials, narcissism, random numbers, arrays and series/sequences (collatz, terra, Fibonacci). The statistical functions cover varian...
F# records for CoreTweet
MiniJson aims to be a functionally idiomatic, conforming ( and performing JSON (de)serializer that provides decent error reporting on parse failures.
A T4-like templating tool with support for F#.
A C# framework for productivity, speed and fluency.
A simple C# Actor system
Arrowized FRP for F#.
Package Description
Package Description
MSBuild task to run FSharpLint.
Package Description
Utilities and .Net library wrappers for F#
Json serialization converters for F# option types and discriminated unions.
NOTE: This package has been deprecated. Please use Cake.SynVer instead. Guess SemVer based on public surface changes
Computation Expression Visualizer(WPF).
F# Active pattern functions for Roslyn Compiler Platform
Simple predictive text library - exercise
SDK for F# bundled inside .NET Core SDK