Top 20 NuGet f# Packages

A 100x faster drop-in replacement for the built-in F# Printf module.
Pipeline Style programming brings a more functional programming style of coding to C#. Inspired by F# pipelining and C# LINQ method syntax, this tiny set of extension functions, add more functional programming features to C#.
Describe behaviour in plain text using the Gherkin business language, i.e. given, when, then. Easily execute the behaviour against matching F# tick methods (let ``tick method`` () = true) or attributed C# or F# methods.
Fast and dependency-free XML serializer for .NET written in F#
WebSharper Utilities
Provides a faster alternative to calling `.Invoke` on `System.Reflection.MethodInfo` by separating the binding and invocation stages.
F# DB Access Library
Silent utilities to make the official MongoDB driver feel natural to work with in F#
Example of SignalR with F-Sharp (and Silverlight 5 or Javascript): - SignalR is a library (for web-based Publish/Subscribe -pattern) on top of WebSockets, which is HTML5 API that enables bi-directional communication between the browser and server. SignalR will fallback to other techniques and...
A simple "stateless" finite-state machine library for .NET.
Supports using any string as a field delimiter, or row delimiter, quoted fields, and the ability to handle Unicode.
This package offers users to generate random states using computation expression syntax (and also LINQ syntax for C# users). This provides a variety of random functions: generating random collections, random sampling, shufflig, and also statistical functions like normal, gamma, and Poisson....
Functional programming syntax support for C#, for things which either don't exist in C#, or a pain. Includes: 1) use 'var' to declar lambdas: var f = Fun.function(()=>10); 2) function composition; 3) partial function application (currying). MIT license.
A generalized parser combinator based off of fparsec. ParsecClone works on strings as well as binary files (with bit level parsing)
Ports of useful haskell functions such as lines, unlines, tranpose, intercalate, words, unwords
Find roots of an arbitrary function using bisection, newton, and secant method.
FunScript binding for lib (BETA version).
An F# module for interpolation sets of data into functions that are fairly accurate over a certain range. Uses the Hermite interpolation method.
The FSharp.Data.Experimental.XenomorphProvider type provider provides a strongly typed embedding of financial data from Xenomorph.TimeScape
Basis Library provides useful types and functions that the standard library of F# does not provide.