Example of SignalR with F-Sharp (and Silverlight 5) NuGet Package

Example of SignalR with F-Sharp (and Silverlight 5 or Javascript):

- SignalR is a library (for web-based Publish/Subscribe -pattern) on top
of WebSockets, which is HTML5 API that enables bi-directional communication
between the browser and server.

SignalR will fallback to other techniques and
technologies when WebSockets are not available.

- F-Sharp (F#) is multiparadigm (functional-first) programming language
mainly for .NET environment.

- This sample uses Reactive Extensions 2.1 to communicate with SignalR,
on both client and server side. Reactive Extensions is a library to
compose asynchronous and event-based programs using observable
collections and LINQ-style query operators.

- For server side:
This could work purely from F# as Owin (http://owin.org/) console application
but now F#-server-side is called from an
empty ASP.NET C# Web Application. (Still you can start OWin from F# Interactive...)

- For client side:
Silverlight 5.0 application using F#-library
and Silverlight 5.0 XAML/C# application to show the user interface.
There is also jQuery/JavaScript test page, if you don't want to use Silverlight.

- This proof of concept/sample/tutorial/demo is developed with
Visual Studio 2012. References are resolved via NuGet.

F# compiler won't auto-restore packages on compile.
So go first to Tools -> Library Package Manager -> NuGet
and press "Restore" to restore all the references, and then rebuild.

- SignalR supports two kinds of connections: Hub and PersistentConnection
Both are working with Silverlight and JavaScript.

Got any Example of SignalR with F-Sharp (and Silverlight 5) Question?


Version: 1.0.4
Author(s): Tuomas Hietanen
Last Update: Tuesday, November 5, 2013
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: https://github.com/Thorium/SignalR-FSharp-Example
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/SignalR-FSharp-Example

Install-Package SignalR-FSharp-Example
dotnet add package SignalR-FSharp-Example
paket add SignalR-FSharp-Example
SignalR-FSharp-Example Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)





