Top 20 NuGet foundation Packages

.NET Wrapper for Sunlight Congress API
The project is divided into an API for managing HTTP Namespaces, including an object model for ACLs and Security Descriptors, and a UI with automatic elevation in Windows Vista for operations that require administrative privledge.
Constellation is a collection of utilities for .NET CMS implementers. The Feature.SitemapXml namespace contains Http Handlers which intercept the request before it hits Sitecore. The /robots.txt handler returns a basic document stating that all agents have access to the sitemap.xml file. (there is ...
Microsoft Visual Studio Services Distributed Task Client Later versions of this package have been renamed to Microsoft.TeamFoundation.DistributedTask.WebApi Integrate with Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Team Services from desktop-based, ASP.NET, and other Windows applications. Provides...
Foundational classes and functionality for managing data, independent of storage mechanism. Includes base routines for CRUD operations, including paginated result set, view models, and communicating errors.
Foundation to access InfluxDB
Abstracts general configuration settings used by other libraries
Abstracts general configuration settings used by other libraries
3rd Generation Codigo Generation">
Abstracts security configuration settings used by other libraries
Abstracts basic image manipulation
Abstracts database layer from underlying calls