Top 20 NuGet foundation Packages

Requires Sitecore 10.3 Requires .NET 4.8 Constellation is a collection of utilities for .NET CMS implementers. The Foundation.Data namespace contains an Item extension class that allows the developer to: - Get an Item's ancestor based on Template - Test an Item's Template inheritance - Retrieve an...
Requires Sitecore 10.3 Requires .NET Framework 4.8 Constellation is a collection of utilities for .NET CMS implementers. The Foundation.SitemapXml namespace contains Http Handlers which intercept the request before it hits Sitecore. Robots.TXT Handler: Returns a basic document that automaticall...
Foundation is the most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. With Foundation you can quickly prototype and build sites or apps that work on any kind of device, with tons of included layout constructs (like a full responsive grid), elements and best practices. Homepage: http://founda...
See included readme for setup instructions. Foundation is the most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. With Foundation you can quickly prototype and build sites or apps that work on any kind of device, with tons of included layout constructs (like a full responsive grid), elements...
A scaffold for building an application with Zurb for Applications and .Net that includes OWIN Token based authentication.
Provides a default starting point for setting up a new WebApi service which includes Its.Configuration and Its.Log with a set of classes that preconfigure numerous defaults.
Foundation Sites (foundation-sites) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for Wpf (forked from master branch to add Support to netcoreapp3.1)
Core CSS and JavaScript files for Foundation framework. For the complete package install Foundation5.MVC
This is the elision foundation package to reference if you are building a module or other code that just needs to reference the elision foundation. If you need to install Elision's foundation layer, use the Elision.Foundation package instead.
Elision is a framework to make Sitecore development faster and easier.
Foundation 6 components converted as blazor component mixing c# and javascript to control dynamic components
This is SearchPanes for DataTables with styling for [Foundation](
This is RowReorder for DataTables with styling for [Foundation](
This is Responsive for DataTables with styling for [Foundation](
This is FixedHeader for DataTables with styling for [Foundation](
This is FixedColumns for DataTables with styling for [Foundation](
This is ColReorder for DataTables with styling for [Foundation](
This is SearchBuilder for DataTables with styling for [Foundation](
Core CSS and JavaScript files for Foundation framework. For the complete package install Foundation3_MVC4