Top 20 NuGet files Packages

Package Description
AsNet.Shared.Azure es una librería que contiene funcionalidad para administración de Azure Storage Shared Files. Posee metodos sincronos y asincronos para el upload y download de archivos.
Write events to text files
Write events to text console
Lightweight Helper Library for performing tasks on Pdf files such as: scaling and resizing Pdf Documents and Pages of existing Pdf documents, converting Images into Pdf format, and merging Pdf Documents as well as merging Images into Existing Pdf documents. It leverages iTextSharp for core work but...
Classes to help create and send Files.
Bodoconsult.Core.Tools.Zip library is intended for apps requiring easy handling of ZIP archives containing one or more files
Abstractions for working with temp files
Upload files component using HTML5 FileReader API features and Silverlight fallback if browser doesn't have support. Provides a bullet proof mechanism inspired on TCP/IP send and receive packages with the corresponding ACK. The files are uploaded by chunks sized as configured, defaults to 4...
Simplifies Isolated Storage access for Windows Phone 7 and Silverlight 4+
A simple wrapper around FileSystemWatcher to watch multiple single files across directories.
This package is old. Please use the Platform.VirtualFileSystem.Providers.Zip package. Find out more at:
A C# glob matcher
Test Source file
File parser and writer that works with Mere.
Ignore nuget content files in git: - Generate entries in the .gitignore file to exclude nuget content files from the source repository - Restore nuget content files before building (Automatically in VS and manually with a powershell script - Use Initialize-GitIgnore to add it to an existing...
PhysicsFS is a library to provide abstract access to various archives. It is intended for use in video games, and the design was somewhat inspired by Quake 3's file subsystem. This is a NuGet package of PhysFS built with Visual Studio 2015. Static library only.
Integrate the OneDrive API into your .NET App!