Top 20 NuGet files Packages

A C# glob matcher
Adds file support for TestData.Interface. Source is here -
A .NET version of the libmspack libmspack library that enables programatically reading and extracting the content of Microsoft cab files.
A Migration provider for Cabinet. Allows files to be migrated from one Cabinet to another i.e. FileSystem to S3.
Upload support for Cabinet.
A powerfull library for Universal Windows Platform (UWP)
Make it easy to authenticate your app that uses the OneDrive SDK
Registry file import/export for C#
Awesome Pipe, Comma, or Space Delimited File Parser (Text Files Put Physically Into Project)
Read a file and map to list of objects in one go
File system globbing to find files matching a specified pattern.
Neo Systems .NET libraries
This client library adds file management capabilities to client applications built with the Azure Mobile Apps SDK. For more information, check out
Library to read and write configuration files
Library for working with template files and getting their full paths everywhere in the code